Movements LMHI

Worldwide Homeopathic Movement.

Il discorso di chiusura del 63° Congresso della LMHI – Il presidente Ulrich Fischer
(Closing speech of LMHI president, in which he reaffirms the need of fundamental guidance through the methods described by its creator, Samuel Hahnemann, in his Organon of Medicine in the Art of Curing)

Ulrich Fischer, president of LMHI. Difendiamo i fondamenti dell’Omeopatia
(Presents a proposal of definition of homeopathic medicine and has Homeopathy and Evidence-based Medicine as main themes of the congress. It is essential to improve and incresase the level of evidence in homeopathic medicine, keep its basis unchanged, just like Hahnemann wrote in his Organon)

Definitioo of Homeopathic Medicine 
(Proposal of LUIMO for LMHI to be voted in the next Congress in Warsaw, 2009)
(Translated to Portuguese by Dr. Mário Cabral Ribeiro)