Provides access to texts that inform readers about methods of treatment of homeopathic medicine.
- Matheus Marim. Contextualizing Homeopathy
- Matheus Marim. To be or not to be loved… the greatest question of the human being
- Jorge Doroteo Molina. Welcome to Fever!
- Juan C. Pellegrino. Doctor, can my ALLERGY be cured?
- Elba Garber. Why do we get sick?
- Ruth Faingold. Homeopathy in Pediatrics
- Eduardo Kaufmann. Why is Homeopathy Important?
- Matheus Marim. About what is not Homeopathy.AMHB-Associação Médica Homeopática Brasileira
- Luiz Figueira Pinto.The Unity of Being.IHB-Instituto Hahnemanniano do Brasil.
- Amarilys de Toledo Cesar. Preparing Homeopathic Medicine.From the book: Fundamentos de Homeopatia
para Estudantes de Medicina e de Ciências da Saúde. Paulo Rosenbaum (org). São Paulo: Editora Roca, 2002. p.166-174. - Marcos Dias de Moraes. Homeopathy: How to Use
- Matheus Marim. Homeopathy: Preventive and Curative Medicine.AMHB-Associação Médica Homeopática Brasileira.
- Javier Salvador Gamarra. Experiments in Sane Men.FEMHPr-Fundação de Estudos Médicos Homeopáticos do Paraná.
- Izao Carneiro Soares. Samuel Hahnemann, the Creator of Homeopathy and his last years in Paris. IHFL-Instituto Homeopático François Lamasson. (Part of the text in German translated to Portuguese by the Homeopathy Museum. The author is Martin Gumpert).
- Matheus Marim. Homeopathy and the Future.
- Matheus Marim. Why Homeopathy bother?