Special Dossier – Scientific Evidence for Homeopathy

Dear Homeopaths,

As an integral part of the BIREME – Latin American and Caribbean Center for Health Sciences Information, the VHL Homeopathy aims to provide instantaneous, universal and efficient access to scientific and technical information on Homeopathy, operating a collection of information sources on the Internet, where users of the most diverse levels will be able to access information, interact and navigate in this space.

By fulfilling this role, VHL Homeopathy has just made available on its website, in a separate page, the 3 editions (online in Portuguese; online in English; printed in Portuguese) of the “Special Dossier – Scientific Evidence for Homeopathy”:


In addition to the hyperlinks to the Revista de Homeopatia (São Paulo), the “complete dossiers” of the 3 editions in .pdf format are also available, expanding the dissemination of the material.

We thank VHL Homeopathy for this instant, universal and efficient means of access to the dossier.


Marcus Zulian Teixeira