Homeopathy in the Unified Health System – SUS



– Edict MS/GM nº 971, from May 3rd 2006 – approves PNPIC in SUS

– National Decree of Integrative and Complementary Practices in SUS 
Ministry of Health, Attention to Health Secretariat, Department of Basic Attention to Healh. Brasilia: Ministry of Health, 2006. 92p.

Politics Distrital of Práticas Integrativas in Health – PDPIS
General office of Health condition of Federal district 2014.

– Public Health Comission- AMHB 
Report of the AMHB Public Health Comission – 2006-2008

– Correspondence to AMHB and ABFH 
Papers in Homeopathy applied in the public health system

– Note from AMHB regarding:
. Homeopathy Service by non-doctors;
. Homeopathy Courses for non-doctors;
. Medicine supply to the population without prescriptions.

– AMHB Magazine number 22 – April/2008

  Brazilian Medical Association Approves Proposal from AMHB
AMHB and Health Social Control

– 1st International Seminar in Integrative and Complementary Practices in Health
May 13 to 15/2008 – Brasilia-DF

– Proposal from AMHMG for the expasion of Homeopathy in SUS

– CIPIC-SUS by Marco Giostri 
AMHB participates in the Intersectorial Comission of Integrative and Complementary Practices in SUS (CIPIC-SUS) in the National Health Council.

– Deliberation CIB-SIS-MG n. 532, from May 27th 2009 
Comission of Inter-managers approves Integrative and Complementary Practices Policy.


Homeopathic Treatment pleases pacients in the public health system

Homeopathy as a Medical Specialty – Folha de São Paulo OPINIÃO

Homeopathy will be encouraged in SUS

Ministry aims to broaden the use of homeopathy in SUS