Author Archives: Rosangela Brambilla

Special Dossier – Scientific Evidence for Homeopathy – Indexing of articles in the VHL Regional Portal

Special Dossier “Scientific Evidence for Homeopathy” (Revista de Homeopatia, APH) – Indexing of articles in the Virtual Health Library Regional Portal (VHL/BIREME/PAHO/WHO)

The Virtual Health Library (VHL) was established in 1998 as a model, strategy and operating platform for technical cooperation of the Pan American Health Organization (PAHO) for management of health information and knowledge in the Latin America and the Caribbean (LA&C).

The VHL is a Network of Networks built collectively and coordinated by The Latin American and Caribbean Center on Health Sciences Information (BIREME/PAHO/WHO). It is developed, by principle, in a decentralized manner by national instances (Argentina VHL, Brazil VHL etc.) and thematic networks of institutions related to research, education and health services (Nursing VHL, VHL Ministry of Health, VHL Homeopathy etc.).

In turn, the VHL Regional Portal is an integrated space of health information sources that promotes the democratization and expansion of access to scientific and technical information in health in LA&C. It is developed and operated by BIREME in three languages (English, Portuguese and Spanish). The VHL Search Portal Collection consists of bibliographic databases produced by the VHL Network, such as LILACS, MEDLINE, and other types of information sources, such as open educational resources, websites and scientific events.

Among these sources of information, HomeoIndex is a brazilian database of national and international technical-scientific literature specialized in the area of Homeopathic Medicine. Its operation, maintenance and updating are coordinated by the Artur de Almeida Rezende Filho Library, São Paulo Homeopathic Medical Association (APH, São Paulo, Brazil). Using the LILACS methodology, it indexes articles published in the main homeopathic journals around the world, being available through the Virtual Health Library of Homeopathy (VHL Homeopathy).

We are pleased to inform that all articles of the 3 independent editions of the “Special Dossier “Scientific Evidence for Homeopathy” (online edition in Portuguese; online edition in English; printed edition in Portuguese), developed by the Technical Chamber of Homeopathy of the Regional Council of Medicine of the State of São Paulo (CREMESP, São Paulo, Brazil) and recently published in the Revista de Homeopatia (APH), have just been indexed and made available with their “Full Texts” at the HomeoIndex Database and VHL Regional Portal, broadening the dissemination and access to healthcare professionals from all continents and countries:

  • “Estrogênio potencializado no tratamento homeopático da dor pélvica associada à endometriose: Um estudo de 24 semanas, randomizado, duplo-cego e placebo-controlado” / “Potentized estrogen in homeopathic treatment of endometriosis-associated pelvic pain: A 24-week, randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled study”
    online edition in Portuguese / online edition in English / printed edition in Portuguese
  • “O medicamento homeopático provoca sintomas em voluntários aparentemente sadios? A contribuição brasileira ao debate sobre os ensaios patogenéticos homeopáticos” / “Do homeopathic medicines induce symptoms in apparently healthy volunteers? The Brazilian contribution to the debate on homeopathic pathogenetic trials”
    online edition in Portuguese / online edition in English / printed edition in Portuguese

Dear Homeopaths,
I take the opportunity to wish you Happy Holidays and a Great 2018.

Marcus Zulian Teixeira

Special Dossier – Scientific Evidence for Homeopathy

Dear Homeopaths,

As an integral part of the BIREME – Latin American and Caribbean Center for Health Sciences Information, the VHL Homeopathy aims to provide instantaneous, universal and efficient access to scientific and technical information on Homeopathy, operating a collection of information sources on the Internet, where users of the most diverse levels will be able to access information, interact and navigate in this space.

By fulfilling this role, VHL Homeopathy has just made available on its website, in a separate page, the 3 editions (online in Portuguese; online in English; printed in Portuguese) of the “Special Dossier – Scientific Evidence for Homeopathy”:

In addition to the hyperlinks to the Revista de Homeopatia (São Paulo), the “complete dossiers” of the 3 editions in .pdf format are also available, expanding the dissemination of the material.

We thank VHL Homeopathy for this instant, universal and efficient means of access to the dossier.


Marcus Zulian Teixeira

European Committee for Homeopathy / To those who demand scientific evidence for homeopathy / Dossier “Scientific Evidences in Homeopathy” / Revista de Homeopatia (APH)

Prezados Colegas Homeopatas,

Com grande satisfação, continuamos observando o interesse de médicos e instituições homeopáticas de todo o mundo pelo dossiê “Evidências Científicas em Homeopatia”, elaborado sob os auspícios da Câmara Técnica de Homeopatia do Conselho Regional de Medicina do Estado de São Paulo (CREMESP) e recém-publicado na Revista de Homeopatia (APH):

Esse reconhecimento nos estimula a continuar trabalhando em prol do desenvolvimento, da defesa e da divulgação da arte de curar homeopática.


Marcus Zulian Teixeira

Evidence in Homeopathy-Comité Americano de Homeopatía: New Post


Dear Homeopathic Colleagues:

Today we are pleased to post in three languages! We consider important to publish all the evidence we can reach in homoepathy, evidence that has been collated in the past years, so as to help homeopathic communities to understand that it is a science with solid and clear basis and present objective proof about the efects of homeopathic remedies, its principle of therapeutical activity, its effectiveness in clinical practice and the investigations on homeopathic provings, among others.

Although the vitalist paradigm has its own research method, some approaches under a more conventional perspective can help to comprehend the healing principle in homeopathy, especially because nowadays all the academic education is based in the “Evidence Based Medicine”.

We want to publish this article from Marcus Zulian Teixeira where he lists and describes the most recent investigations and evidence in Homeopathy. All the articles have a link to the original publication and some of them are written by himself.

Dr. Marcus Zulián Teixeira is a Homeopathic Doctor and an Agricultural Engineer who has a vast trajectory and studies in various disciplines, as well as many published books and articles on Homoepathy. Some of them are completely available in his website.

We specially thank to  Dr. Eduardo Bitis who provided the spanish translation of the original article in portuguese and Dr. Teixeira the same version in english so as to reach every Homoepathic colleague in America and contacts of the wold.

We hope it is of your interest. The comments are enabled at the end of this post.

Dra. Trinidad Mariano

Dissemination of the dossier “Scientific Evidence in Homeopathy” in the blog “El Simillimum”-Virtual publication of the Federation of Argentine Homeopathic Medical Associations

Prezados Colegas Homeopatas e Amigos,

Com o auxílio da Dra. Trinidad Mariano, médica homeopata argentina e diretora do blog “El Simillimum”, e o endosso da “Federación de Asociaciones Médicas Homeopáticas Argentinas”, acaba de ser divulgado aos colegas homeopatas argentinos o dossiê “Evidências Científicas em Homeopatia”, elaborado pela Câmara Técnica de Homeopatia do Conselho Regional de Medicina do Estado de São Paulo (CREMESP) e publicado em edição especial da Revista de Homeopatia da Associação Paulista de Homeopatia (APH):

Nós agradecemos à Dra. Trinidad Mariano, à Federación de Asociaciones Médicas Homeopáticas Argentinas e ao Dr. Eduardo Bitis pelo esforço conjunto dispensado à divulgação do material.

Contamos com a colaboração de todos na disseminação do mesmo.


Marcus Zulian Teixeira

Clarification to the population – Homeopathy in the Dengue Epidemic

Esclarecimento à população – A Homeopatia na Epidemia de Dengue

Diante da grave situação observada nesta epidemia de dengue a Associação Médica Homeopática Brasileira (AMHB) vem a público esclarecer sua posição como entidade representativa dos Médicos Homeopatas brasileiros:

1. A dengue é uma epidemia causada por vírus veiculado por um mosquito, o Aedes aegypti que representa o verdadeiro inimigo a ser combatido por todos os cidadãos brasileiros.

2. Para conhecer melhor esta epidemia e como combater o mosquito recomendamos o site

3. Ainda não existe nenhum tratamento de eficácia cientificamente comprovada na prevenção da dengue.

4. Entretanto, a Homeopatia vem, há décadas, utilizando com sucesso algumas substâncias medicamentosas nas epidemias de dengue.

5. Alguns trabalhos científicos demonstraram que a utilização de forma associada dos medicamentos Eupatorium perfoliatum, Phosphorus e Crotalus horridus em doses dinamizadas produzem bons resultados quando utilizado de forma complementar às ações preventivas e orientações estabelecidas pelo Ministério da saúde no tratamento da dengue.

6. Aconselhamos que em caso de suspeita de dengue se procure um médico para que ele avalie o caso, diagnostique e determine o tratamento, inclusive o tratamento complementar pela homeopatia no qual existem medicamentos indicados aprovados pela Anvisa, que são aplicáveis no caso de dengue.

7. Lembramos que, para qualquer caso de doença – inclusive as epidêmicas – o melhor tratamento homeopático é o que utiliza o medicamento individualizado para cada caso e isso só deve ser feito, após criteriosa e competente avaliação clínica de um Médico Especialista em Homeopatia.

Comissão Científica e de Saúde Pública da AMHB

Obs.: Para maiores informações ver “Nota Técnica Sobre Abordagem da Dengue em Comunidades”: